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Pt Richmond - Bob F

  • 30 Jul 2015
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Kaiser Alameda
Ride Leader:

Start:  Kaiser 9:00AM

Description: 2/C/45:  Pt. Richmond out & back

TEAM ALAMEDA ride ratings, in this order = HILLINESS / PACE / MILEAGE

Hilliness Group / Grades Description / Example
1: 0-2 % Essentially flat/ All Alameda, Marina rides
2: 2-6 % A Few Low Hills/ Montclair Peets, Domingo Peets rides
3: 6-8 % Moderately Hilly/ Tunnel, Skyline, Redwood, Butters Canyon
4: 6-12 % Very Hilly / Three Bears, Pinehurst, Snake Rd., Claremont
5: 12+ % Extremely Hilly / Marin, Vollmer, Hiller, Thorndale, Ascot, Donald Dr.

Pace Group / Average Miles per Hour, Ride Description (varies, depends on leader)
A: 8 -10 Easy Pace, frequent stops, good for new riders
B: 10-12 Steady Pace, fewer stops, for experienced riders
C: 12-14 Steady faster pace, most century riders are this pace
D: 14-16 Fast pace, for strong experienced riders, maybe one stop

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